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Nonprofit Grant Writing & Reporting

Nonprofit organizations deliver community services and resources to address demonstrated needs. They help their people — in whatever way necessary. These efforts can’t exist without funding and support. Yet many small nonprofits lack the human resources to produce a volume of proposals to improve chances for funding. When funded, they further lack the capacity to complete follow-up reporting requirements to place the organization in good standing for future support. Grand River Agency works with nonprofits and community organizations to find and solicit relevant and likely funding sources to build and sustain programming. 

Your Partner in Nonprofit Success

Grand River Agency works with nonprofits and community organizations to find and solicit relevant and likely funding sources to build and sustain programming. We work with you to produce and organize grant materials including full proposals and individual elements like: 
We produce grant proposals to foundations, charitable trusts, community benefactors and all levels of U.S. government.
We research relevant funding opportunities from grantmakers most likely to support your organization’s mission, strategic plan and specific initiatives. We also work with your organization to establish connections and develop relationships with pertinent funders at the local, state, regional and national levels.
We help you develop the messaging necessary to invite grantmakers to become a partner in success.

Take Your Grant Initiative From Concept to Funding

Seeking and securing grants is a process. Your nonprofit needs an unbiased resource to organize and guide grant-writing efforts from start to finish. We help you to develop your concept into strong proposals necessary to secure BIG funding.

Contact us here or email Grand River Agency President and Founder Kelsey Boudin at

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