6 Blogging Tips for Digital Marketing Newbies
Hey there, fellow bloggers and content creators! If you’re reading this, you’re probably stuck trying to create content for your organization’s website. And if you’re REALLY reading this, you’re probably from a smaller business or nonprofit that’s thrown you in the communications mix – out of necessity – with little to no experience.
Rest assured, we have some no-brainer blogging tips here to meet your digital marketing needs. Whether you’re blogging for a small business to improve SEO or a nonprofit aiming for better mission visibility, these are the real deal! They’re easy to understand and certain to get you on the right track.
Improve Your Digital Marketing Game with These Blogging Tips
At Grand River Agency, we’ve been around the block a time or two. We’ve had award-winning careers in various communications industries for decades, gaining a breadth and depth of experience and expertise along the way to serve literally any need. We don’t just believe … we KNOW that blogging is a powerful way to connect with your audience and boost your brand’s visibility.
In this fast-paced digital age, you can be your own storytelling hero, without having to lean on woefully inadequate traditional advertising techniques. Yep, you read that right! When you hit that publish button, you’re not just creating content; you’re igniting your brand’s presence and credibility, which ultimately leads to more conversions, revenue and support.
So, what are we waiting for?! Let’s dive into these 6 blogging tips that truly resonate.
1. Get to Know Your Audience
Even if you haven’t worked in professional communications before, you’ve probably heard the importance of knowing your audience. Before you start typing away, get cozy with your target demographic(s) – like talking BFF level. (Helpful hint: this level of understanding takes poking through some analytics, which is a topic for a different blog.)
Understanding their needs and interests is the secret sauce to creating content that hits home.
You may ask yourself questions like:
- “What do they want to know?” (or, perhaps more importantly, need to know?)
- “What are their favored styles of content?”
- “What subject matter will resonate with them?”
- “Where and when do they engage most in the digital realm?”
Put on your detective hat. Try to get to the bottom of:
- “What makes them tick?”
- “What keeps them up at night?”
- “How can we be their ultimate go-to?”
If you’re a small B2B business, your content might be tailored to helping businesses you serve research raw materials for products they manufacture for their own consumers. If you’re a nonprofit, you may craft content that BOTH informs the individuals/systems you serve AND inspires philanthropy.

2. Pick the Perfect Topic
Ahh, the million-dollar question: “What do I write about?” Even the most successful writers and content producers in the world have stared at a blinking cursor longer than they care to admit.
While we’re focusing here on writing just one blog post, you should plan on a variety of topics – based on keyword research for search engine optimization – to keep the content and inspiration flowing. Essentially, it does no good to write just a handful of blogs and let your website become a digital graveyard. Keep up the pace and intensity!
Think about topics that solve your audience’s problems, answer their burning questions, or share valuable insights.
Your topic could:
- Answer a question
- Solve a pain point
- Provide expert insight
- Forewarn danger or difficulty
- Paint a picture of positive results
All of which should be tied through a common theme: your brand.
3. Don’t Overlook Your Competition
Nope, we’re absolutely not advocating stalking. You’d be foolish to outright steal content from your direct competitors.
But, hey, it’s worth a look.
There’s no harm in seeking inspiration or in seeing how topics are addressed and issues are framed. Check out popular blogs and other types of content marketing in your niche. What are they doing right? How do they captivate their content consumers? What are they doing wrong? Do they write about silly topics or other things that would be a waste of time? You can go pretty much as deeply into competitor analysis as you wish – from competitor keywords to website traffic.
Take notes. Be observant. But always put your unique spin on things. (Which segues nicely to the next point.)
4. Add Your Special Flavor
If no one’s told you lately, you’re one of a kind! I don’t mean to sound like your mother, but there’s truly something special about you as an individual and about your brand in general.
Embrace your brand’s awesomeness and show it off in your blog posts. Share your success stories, sprinkle in some personality, or offer a fresh take on trending debates. Your perspective is what sets you apart, so don’t be shy to flaunt it.
Remember to stay true to your brand’s vibe. If you’re mostly serious and down to business, stay true to that purpose (without being stuffy and boring, if possible). If you’re witty and conversational for effect, let your humor shine through.
5. Keep It Snappy
Time to channel your inner wordsmith and write with flair. But remember, brevity is key. There’s no need for overly flowery language or paragraphs of prose that take forever to make a point. As I’ve always said, “Succinct writing is muscular writing.”
Your readers’ attention spans are precious, so don’t overstay your welcome. Get in, make your point and get out. Your followers will thank you for helping them find their answers quickly.
6. Nail the Headline
Some communications experts will fight me on this. Why write the headline last? Well, that’s just a matter of preference. I feel that it’s easier to get all my thoughts out and then summarize the main point. If inspiration strikes before, during or after your writing, feel free to write the title when you please. Go with the most comfortable flow!
Whenever you do it, write an attention-grabbing headline that screams, “Read me, love me!” Make it catchy, memorable and tailored to your target audience.
Blogging Tips: Let’s Tell Your Organization’s Story
There you have it, folks – your recipe for blogging success, Grand River Agency style.
But wait, there’s more! Embracing these blogging tips means you’re stepping into the limelight as a thought leader in your industry. That’s a big deal! Oh, and did I mention that blogging is one of the most effective ways to drive traffic to your website? Sounds like money to me!
Create content that wows your audience and keeps them coming back for more. You don’t have to stop at blogging alone. Some digital marketing experts, myself included, use blogs as the beginning of an overarching content marketing strategy to spawn multipurpose content across multiple channels. A blog post can easily become a(n):
- Infographic
- Whitepaper
- Podcast
- Social media post
- Ebook
- Video
- Checklist
- Webinar
The list goes on. If you need some extra mojo, our digital marketing agency is here to shine the way for your digital marketing journey. Happy blogging, rockstars!

President and Founder, Grand River Agency
With over 19 years of diverse experience in print journalism, digital media marketing, and nonprofit administration, Kelsey Boudin founded Grand River Agency (formerly Southern Tier Communications Strategies) in 2020. The agency specializes in offering contract-based strategic communications, content marketing, grant proposals, website design, and public relations services to small businesses and nonprofits. Kelsey’s career spans roles as an editor, content creator, and grant writer, reflecting his expertise in leading successful digital marketing campaigns, securing funding, and executing various projects.
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